LoveG26 takes no pleasureG5463 in evilG93 but rejoicesG4796 in the truthG225.

1 Corinthians 13:6 (BSB)

. . . it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.

1 Corinthians 13:6 (ESV)

G5463 χαίρω chaírō – with a preposition expressing the cause or occasion of joy. (23)

G93 ἀδικία adikía – injustice . . . 1 Cor. 13:6 could be taken as those material things that could be acquired through the employment of falsehood in defrauding others instead of telling the truth. (24)

G4796 συγχαίρω synchaírō – to rejoice together, to share in another’s joy . . . to congratulate (25)

G225 ἀλήθεια alḗtheia – conduct conformed to the truth, integrity, probity, virtue, a life conformed to the precepts of the gospel . . . in Rom. 2:8 and 1 Cor. 13:6, alḗtheia stands in opposition to adikía, unrighteousness, wrong. (26)

Zodhiates, Spiro, Complete Word Study Dictionary, New Testament.

The pattern throughout much of 1 Corinthians 13 is to state a negative followed by the positive. Here, love does not take joy in any kind of evil or injustice even if that evil is being perpetrated upon an enemy. Love never desires that someone else be hurt or suffer. Positively, love rejoices with those who are moving closer toward life and godliness, the sinner who is turning to Christ for salvation and sanctification. Love shares in the joy of another who is experiencing blessings. Love has no relationship with injustice. Love’s behavior reflects integrity and virtue and is being “conformed to the image of His son” (Rom. 8:29).

If we are honest with ourselves, are there times when we are glad someone else got his or her “comeuppance,” their “just deserts?” Do we desire punishment for evildoers more than grace and mercy? Are we like Jonah who did not want to take God’s warning to the Ninevites because of their evil deeds? If we are more like Jonah than like Jesus, we better check our connection to the reservoir of the Holy Spirit!

Father, help us to live according to Your word in 1 Corinthians 13:6. Help us never to rejoice in injustice and always take joy in truth. Help us to flee evil and run rapidly toward integrity, justice, virtue, and righteousness. Thank You that You are conforming us to the image of Christ. Help us to hear the Holy Spirit guiding us to that end.

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