A new commandment I give you: LoveG25 one another. As I have lovedG25 you, so you also must loveG25 one another. By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you loveG26 one another.

John 13:34-35

How did Jesus love? Jesus loved with His words but also through corresponding actions to demonstrate His love. His love was our example. Jesus loved wholeheartedly and unconditionally. The disciples were sinners just like you and me, but Jesus loved them as His own brothers. At one point all we who believe were dead in our sin, but when the Lord drew us to Him and we trusted in Jesus, we died to our sin and were redeemed, re-created, and enveloped in His righteousness. Jesus loved so intensely that He willingly died an excruciating, demoralizing death on the cross for His people—all who trust in Him—both Jews and Gentiles. As Christ-followers, we are to love as He loved—sacrificially. We are enabled to love sacrificially when we trust in Jesus. We are only capable of this kind of love through the power of the Holy Spirit within us. 

As believers, we are to be known by our love for each other. How will people see this love? It is not a love of empty flattery that gives trinkets of affection with no real intimacy. Our love is to be different than that seen in the world at large. What do we do to demonstrate love in such a way that the world will notice and give glory to God? We’ve often heard it said, “Love is a verb.” A verb is an action word. Being there, really present, when people are in distress means you are not on your cell phone but truly listening and caring lovingly. Another demonstration of love is meeting material needs. The church members taking food, clothing, and even money to families in a time of crisis is an action visible to non-Christians. We can take care of someone’s children while they are at the hospital with their spouse or another child. Mowing an elderly member’s lawn, taking someone shopping or delivering groceries to someone confined to home due to age or illness, praying with a brother or sister are all visible acts of love. If you are unable to get out, you can pray over the phone with another believer to encourage them, write a note in a card and mail it, or even communicate as we do today (since the Covid-19 pandemic) by taking advantage of social media outlets or Zoom™, GoogleMeet™, Skype™, and Facetime™. 

If you think about it for a few minutes, we are sure you can find a way to love your brother or sister in Christ! Ask the Lord to show you who needs an outward demonstration of God’s love through you today.

Father, help us to be “Jesus with skin on” to a brother or sister in Christ that a lost and dying world might see our acts of love and be drawn to Jesus. Let us be known by our love for one another.

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