But I will sing of Your strength and proclaimH7442 Your loving devotion in the morning. For You are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.

Psalm 59:16 (see also 1 Samuel 19:1-24)

David’s enemies were outside his door, ready to pounce like a pack of wild wolves. But David says, “in the face of death, I will sing exuberantly in celebration of God’s gracious, extravagant love.” God has been his place of safety while Saul plotted to have him murdered and sent his soldiers to execute his plan. Even though surrounded, David did not doubt God’s power to deliver him.

My granddad and Nana loved to travel. On one journey, they had an unplanned adventure. During the Cold War, they traveled to Germany and to Budapest, Hungary. Granddad wanted to see the city of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) because of its historic significance during WWII, when the city was under siege for 872 days. They landed at the airport. Because they had not been issued the proper visas to land in Russia, they were surrounded by soldiers upon entering the airport. The soldiers huddled up to decide what to do with these two Americans. They seemed adamant that a way must be found to get Granddad and Nana out of Russia. At first, they were told they would put them on a ship to get them across the Baltic Sea and out of Russia. Those in charge found a soldier who spoke good English to guard my grandparents. Imagine—locked behind the Iron Curtain and uncertain of the outcome the next day would hold. It was getting dark, and my grandparents had not had anything to eat. The soldier kindly led them up some stairs to the kitchen, right past a room with three red telephones, their command hotline, in case of urgent official orders. My grandparents ate old, stale, “hundred-year-old” cookies. To Nana’s amazement, Granddad witnessed to this English-speaking guard who wanted to know all about the Savior he had only heard a little about. Nana was praying as he shared, and Scripture seemed to roll off the tip of his tongue thanks to the Holy Spirit. The guard wept as he realized the reality that salvation could be his. His countenance was transformed as the Holy Spirit entered into his life. Nana was excited and surprised at Granddad witnessing so effectively. By God’s providence, the guard was amazed that they had stopped to share. The guard confided that he would never be able to make enough money to buy a car or even the gift he wished to give his bride-to-be. They all slept on hard benches that night until a flight the next day. Nana gave the guard, her newest brother in Christ, money to be able to buy a beautiful scarf as a wedding present for his fiancé.

No matter what enemies, evils, or fears surround us, God is faithful and just to deliver those who lean in on His grace. Do you have a fear, something that is overwhelming you? Lay it upon His broad shoulders. He is the only one who can carry the burden and pulverize its power over you. Then your life’s joyful song of praise can resume.

Father, no matter what problems our enemy, Satan, surrounds us with, we will continue to joyfully, exuberantly sing Your praises by faith that You will conquer him and deliver us.

Worship with Janet Paschall, Gaithers, and friends: