RejoiceH7442 in the LORD, O righteous ones; it is fitting for the upright to praise Him. Praise the LORD with the harp; make music to Him with ten strings. Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully with a shout of joyH8643.

Psalm 33:1-3

H8643 תְּרוּעָה tᵉrûwʻâh – from H7321; clamor, i.e. acclamation of joy or a battle-cry; especially clangor of trumpets, as an alarm:—alarm, blow(-ing) (of, the) (trumpets), joy, jubilee, loud noise, rejoicing, shout(-ing), (high, joyful) sound(-ing).

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible

We exalt the name of the Lord because we are His creation, and He sustains us (Hebrews 1:1-3). All instruments—voices and those made of wood, strings, and metals—can be used to glorify God. Never be satisfied with half-hearted, mediocre effort and devotion when using the talents and gifts that are blessings from God. However, do not let your performance skills outweigh your jubilation in the Spirit. We have many reasons to rejoice. We have the truth of God’s word. God is trustworthy. The Lord is impartial and equitable in all things, and He desires those qualities in His children. God’s love for us is relentless and tenacious. His love never fails.

I  (Susan) am not gifted with melody or song, but I do seek to exalt and glorify the Lord with poetry that encourages and exhorts others. One example is something I call “champion blessings.” The Lord impressed upon me that there were many children I knew who were facing various challenges—physical, mental, or emotional. I pray for them and seek the Lord for inspiration to write an acrostic poem based on their names. I have now expanded this line of poetry to include all children because they all face challenges each day. These poems are rooted in verses of scripture to focus the children and/or their families on God’s design for His children rather than the adversities they face.

Has the Lord gifted you with an ability that is lying dormant? Allow Him to mold it into something for His purposes and the benefit of others. Then exercise that gift joyfully to glorify God!

Father, we thank You for giving us a gift for using words to encourage and instruct others. Help us always to use these gifts to glorify Your name. We thank You for the joy that exercising our God-given gifts brings to us.

Worship along with Phil Driscoll: