How lovely is Your dwelling place, O LORD of Hosts! My soul longs, even faints, for the courts of the LORD; my heart and my flesh cry outH7442 for the living God.

Psalm 84:1-2 (BSB)

How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts! My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and flesh sing for joyH7442 to the living God.

Psalm 84:1-2 (ESV)

If someone opens the door of their home to you, you enter and say, “How nice to see you! Your home is so beautiful!” For Jesus’s home, I’m not sure we will really have words because we will be overwhelmed by the opulence of it all. I think we will be speechless. My heart aches in anticipation of being with the Lord forever. People see the more obvious limitations caused by my cerebral palsy, but not walking and not always having complete control of my arms are not the most frustrating challenges. There are others. I must have assistance with eating. I can manage finger foods, such as tater tots and chocolate almonds if they are laid on my chest, but Susie helps me with the rest of my meals. If I need my spectaculars—my name for my glasses, someone has to place them on my face, so I often leave them on at night in case I wake up and want to watch television. That way, I don’t have to wake someone up. I cannot grab my own tissue when I have a cold. I am unable to transfer from the bed to my wheelchair without the assistance of TWO people. Susie cannot use a lift to move me because I have two long metal rods in my back due to surgery to correct scoliosis. However, in the middle of all these things, the Lord purposed me to be His mouthpiece to proclaim His gospel message. My heart cries out, sings for joy, in praise of the living God. Susie says my heart sings “Frosty the Snowman” because it goes “thumpity-thump-thump”. She was a music major, so she should know. LOL. In reality, my spirit, body, and heart declare with melody and gladness that my Savior lives.

I’m sure you have difficulties in this life as well. Reflect on your future home in Heaven. Doesn’t it make even your cells dance for joy? Your heart can sing even on the worst days if you keep your focus on Jesus, all He’s done and will do for you!

Father, may our heart’s song always be a praise medley proclaiming the greatness of our Lord. It matters not to You whether we can carry a tune in a bucket. What matters most is the attitude of our heart and that our gaze is fixed upon Jesus. Take our minds off our struggles and help them dwell on our future home with You!

Worship along with Kutless: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdE03zRJtxw