For in the day of trouble He will hide me in His shelter; He will conceal me under the cover of His tent; He will set me high upon a rock. Then my head will be held high above my enemies around me. At His tabernacle I will offer sacrifices with shouts of joyH8643; I will sing and make music to the LO

Psalm 27:5-6

6 Confident of God’s care and help in trouble, the psalmist anticipates victory over those who have troubled God’s people. He vows to sacrifice to the Lord to express his devotion, while singing a hymn to his God. Doubtless he proclaims the mighty acts of God’s redemption in his “shouts of joy” and song, in anticipation of victory. His expressions of loyalty result from a trusting heart.

Expositor’s Bible Commentary (Abridged Edition), Old Testament, 2004.

King David was a living hymnal. He composed many of the Psalms which were sung in worship at the tabernacle, later in the Temple, and in the time of Christ, at synagogues. David is confident that his Lord will shield him from his enemies and place him “high on a rock.” High ground is more easily defended, but God Himself was David’s rock. There is no safer place to be than in the Lord’s hands (John 10:27-30). David’s total trust was in God. Therefore, he could be confident that he would bring sacrifices to the Lord, singing and shouting for joy victoriously. Because David sought the Lord’s face—His presence—within the tabernacle and enjoyed an intense relationship with his God; what he saw outside the canvas of the tabernacle did not shake or move him. Enemies and adverse circumstances could surround him, but his confidence in the Lord’s protection did not waver. Jesus is our rock, our safe place, and our firm foundation. Our “house” will not fall because our trust is in Him (Matthew 7:24-25). We can go through our days with joy and confidence in the Lord’s ability to preserve us until the time He has chosen to take us to the home He is preparing for us (John 14:1-3).

Is your heart troubled? Do the day to day worries of this earthly life keep you awake at night? Has the Enemy—Satan—succeeded in temporarily robbing you of your joy? We hope these devotions focusing on joy will invigorate you and restore your confidence in the Source of joy—Jesus Christ! Like the wise man in the parable, build your house on the Rock of your salvation, then trust in Him to keep it standing.

Father, Jesus is our Rock and the firm foundation upon which we build our lives. Help us to remember to run to You in difficult times and continue to sing joyfully even if everything seems to be falling apart around us. Our circumstances do not create joy, You do!

Joyfully sing along in worship: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTylq8lhPjc