BelovedG27, let us loveG25 one another, because loveG26 comes from God. Everyone who lovesG25 has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not loveG25 does not know God, because God is loveG26.

1 John 4:7-8 (BSB)

G27 agapētós  – . . . beloved of God, means chosen by Him to salvation (50)

Zodhiates, Spiros, ed., The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament, G27

In these verses, the Apostle John is addressing believers, those chosen by God to be saved, those in the family of God. This is obvious not only because he addresses them as “beloved” but because, as we have learned previously, only those born again in Christ are capable of this type of love. He reiterates that concept by stating plainly, “Everyone who loves (agapáō) has been born of God and knows God.” This willingly sacrificial Christ-like love is what sets believers apart from the world. It is a selfless love meaning that the believer is seeking what he or she can do for others rather than having his or her own needs met. It is how people know that we belong to Jesus (John 13:35). Keep in mind that non-believers are capable of other kinds of love but not agápē. In our fallen state, before we surrender our lives to Christ and receive His gift of salvation, we are incapable of this kind of love. That is why John says that those who do not love (agápē), do not know God. God is love. When we become a part of His family—when we truly know Him—He enables us through the Holy Spirit within us, to love as He loves. Love envelopes us and flows through us because of our intimate relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. At the point that we that we receive Christ, we have the capacity to love in this way. However, love develops in us as we grow in that relationship with Jesus. As we mature, we are more consistent in choosing to love selflessly.

We are not to judge others based on our perception of their love capacity. We must always be examining our own hearts. How well do we measure up to loving others as Jesus loved them? Do we recognize a need to grow in Christ-like love? Are we putting into practice the things we have learned about the kind of love we are to have for one another?

Father, thank You for loving us unconditionally and saving us by Your grace. Help us to be gracious and love our brothers and sisters in Christ selflessly.

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