Gems Mined from the Book of Matthew

We are currently studying the Gospel of Matthew with two different groups, one on Wednesday night and one via Google Meet on Thursday night. We will be posting small nuggets – just a taste of what we are discovering – to whet your appetite for the day (in the distant future) when we are ready to put up the entire study.

This is the record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham:

Matthew 1:1 (BSB)

SUSIE: Matthew reveals that Jesus is a descendant of David (a requirement for the Messiah) but begins his genealogy all the way back to Abraham. Notice he refers to Jesus as Christ or in some translations “the Messiah.” The Greek word Christ means “anointed one” as does the Hebrew word Messiah. Therefore, from the first sentence of his Gospel account, Matthew sets out to prove to his fellow Jews that Jesus is indeed the long-awaited Messiah. Matthew traces Jesus’s genealogy through his legal father, Joseph. Luke’s gospel traces the genealogy of Jesus through his mother, Mary. As both earthly parents were descendants of David, this aspect of proving His qualification as Messiah is valid.

SUSAN: Matthew’s target audience is his fellow Jews who are awaiting Messiah and may be wondering if Jesus is He. Therefore, the book of Matthew is a proof text for the deity of Jesus the Christ, the Anointed One or Messiah. Beginning with the Lord’s genealogy, proceeding to His miracles, and throughout showing His fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, Matthew makes the case for believing Jesus to be the Messiah, the Son of the living God.