Then the LORD said to me, “Go show loveH157 to your wife again, though she is lovedH157 by another and is an adulteress. ‘LoveH160 her as the LORD lovesH157 the Israelites, though they turn to other gods and offer raisin cakes to idols.” So I bought her for fifteen shekels of silver and a homer and a lethech of barley.”

Hosea 3:1-2

Here’s the backstory on Hosea and his wife Gomer. God was using Hosea to illustrate His love for Israel. He specifically told Hosea to marry Gomer, a harlot, knowing she would be unfaithful to the marriage. At that time, Israel was unfaithful to their covenant God by worshipping idols, even giving offerings to the powerless gods made of stone or metal. Hosea’s name is another form of Joshua or Yeshua and means “savior.” Gomer had run away after the birth of her third child with Hosea and was not only a prostitute but a slave to her pimp. Hosea had to pay a great price to buy back (i.e. “save”) his unfaithful wife and show love to her again. Through Hosea’s story, God was telling Israel they would be captive, but He would rescue them once again from captivity. They would suffer the consequences of their turning to idols, but God’s love for them would never cease. This is also a foreshadowing of God’s love for us. As sinners, we were separate from God, held captive by our sin. Jesus, whose name means “savior,” paid the ultimate price by becoming the sacrificial Lamb on the cross to redeem us–buy us out of slavery to sin. We, the church, are even referred to as “the bride of Christ.” His love is the example we are to follow as we love others.

redeem – to purchase back; to ransom; to liberate or rescue from captivity or bondage, or from any obligation or liability to suffer or to be forfeited, by paying an equivalent; as, to redeem prisoners or captured goods; to redeem a pledge.

American Dictionary of the English Language, Noah Webster, 1828.

Jesus paid the complete price to redeem us from sin and separation from God. When we realize this truth, our response should be to repent—turn away from—our sin and turn toward the Lord. In essence, we give up our right to ourselves and become God’s child. Have you trusted Jesus to save you? If not, we would love to show you how to have a saving relationship with Jesus. You may contact us through our website:

Father, we pray for those reading this book who may not yet know You that they would see in these pages Your unfathomable love for them and turn to You. Please help us to be faithful witnesses to the truth of Your love and grace.