As I (Susie) write this (September 2000), I feel powerless. I feel like my cell phone…I need to be plugged in and recharged. I’m exhausted, have no energy, and am scheduled for an angiogram the day after tomorrow. However, I know that Paul proclaimed, “For when I am weak, then I am strong” (II Corinthians 12:10b NIV). Although physically I may not be strong at this moment, I know the Lord’s grace is sufficient to see me through this time. His strength will enable me to accomplish what he wants me to do. He can give me power to not just endure trials but to be victorious over them and have joy in the midst of them.

            I love reading Paul’s prayers for those he encouraged through his letters. They show me how to pray for my friends, loved ones, and myself.  I can pray that the Spirit will give my children wisdom and revelation to help them grow closer to the Lord. I can pray that the eyes of a new believer’s heart will be opened up to more fully understand the hope he now has. I can pray for others and myself to be infused with God’s power (the power that raised Christ from the dead) in order to accomplish the Lord’s purposes each day. I can pray for fellow believers just as Paul did.

            I believe God will answer those prayers. He already has. He gave me the power to read my Bible and write on a night when I was feeling powerless.

            Father, I pray the verses above for all who will read this page. Lord, make our hearts jump to life as we read your word. Help us to have a deeper awareness of the hope we have in Christ. And, Jesus, when we are weak, recharge our batteries with your power that we may accomplish that which you have called us to do.