Jesus asked a second time, “Simon son of John, do you loveG25 Me?” “Yes, Lord,” he answered, “You know I loveG5368 You.” Jesus told him, “Shepherd My sheep.”

John 21:16 (BSB)

Jesus knew that Peter would eventually be able to truly say he had the self-sacrificing, deliberate choice type of love (agapáō) for Jesus. He posed the same question again. Peter again answered honestly that he felt brotherly love (phileō) for Jesus. This time Jesus commanded Peter to “tend” or “shepherd” his sheep. Is there a difference between feeding and tending the sheep? Anyone can carry dinner to the sheep. Tending has more of a connotation of nurturing and preserving. Tending the sheep involves inspecting for injuries, watching out for infestations, protecting from dangerous predators, caring for every aspect of the lamb. The shepherd puts his own life in harm’s way on behalf of the sheep. David fought off lions and bears who preyed on his father’s sheep. The shepherd is both nurse and nurturer for the flock. Therefore, Jesus was telling Peter to shepherd the believers, the early church. He did so in his teaching at Pentecost, his leadership of the early church being sure believers dined on the word of God, and later in his letters warning of false teachers (predators) and admonishing the church to stay true to the things Jesus taught even amid persecution.

Jesus knew that to truly shepherd His flock—the body of believers—Peter would need to love both Jesus and His sheep. This would necessitate Godly love—agapáō—which Peter did not yet have. Peter still answered that he had brotherly affection for Jesus—phileō. Peter knew there was no way he could embrace the God-type of love even for the God-man, Jesus, in his humanity. However, Jesus, being omniscient, knew that He would soon be sending the Holy Spirit to enter Peter enabling him to follow the command to love—agapáō—and tend His sheep.

Do you love—apapáō—the Lord at all times? Or is the measure of your love contingent upon His answering your prayers in the way you think He should? The kind of love Jesus was asking Peter to have for Him and for His sheep was not dependent on circumstances. If we cannot love Jesus unconditionally, how can we love messy human beings in this way? Only the Holy Spirit can teach us to love in this way. Ask Him to increase and elevate your love capacity!

Father, by Your Holy Spirit increase Your love in us. Help us, daily, to choose to love others. Remind us to express our love for You through obedience, worship, prayer, and Bible study.