WEEK 44 – DAY 3
BROTHERLY LOVE But as touching brotherly love ye need not that I write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another. I Thessalonians 4:9 “By this all men will know that you are my disciples,…
WEEK 44 – DAY 2
PRAYER WARRIOR Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. Colossians 4:12 How did we come…
WEEK 44 – DAY 1
FULL OF GRACE Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. Colossians: 4:5-6 How can conversation…
WEEK 43 – DAYS 6 & 7
FRAMILY (FRIENDS WHO ARE FAMILY IN JESUS) Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 Thank You, Lord, for Christian friends, People who really care, People who take the time…
WEEK 43 – DAY 5
VIGILANT IN PRAYER Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving; Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in…
WEEK 43 – DAY 4
ENCOURAGING HOMES Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them. Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the…
WEEK 43 – DAY 3
DWELL IN THE WORD And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom;…
WEEK 43 – DAY 2
LET PEACE RULE AND BE THANKFUL And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Colossians 3:15 Paul wrote to the Colossians because they were…
WEEK 43 – DAY 1
LET GOD’S PEACE REIGN AND BE THANKFUL Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the Word…
WEEK 42 – DAYS 6 & 7
PRESERVE MY LIFE Defend my cause and redeem me; preserve my life according to your promise. Psalm 119:154 (NIV) Preserve my life according to your promise. Preserve my life according to your laws. Preserve my life according to your love.…