Be devotedG5387 to one another in brotherly loveG5360. Outdo yourselves in honoring one another.

Romans 12:10 (BSB)

G5387 – philóstorgos; from G5384 and στοργή storgḗ (cherishing one’s kindred, especially parents or children); fond of natural relatives, i.e. fraternal towards fellow Christians:—kindly affectioned.

G5360 – philadelphía; from G5361; fraternal affection:—brotherly love (kindness), love of the brethren

Zodhiates, Spiros, ed., The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament, G5387 and G5360

We can see that the Greek words for “devotion” and “brotherly love” in this verse derive from G5368 philéō. Christians are a family, the family of God. Being a part of the family of God or as we like to say, “familyship,” involves brotherly/sisterly love. As a familyship, we have the same Father (God), the same goal (furthering His kingdom by fulfilling His purposes), the same responsibility (to love Him with all our heart, soul, and mind and to love our neighbors). We have a stronger bond than just “teammates.” We are born into an earthly family, and even though we eventually move out of home and begin a home of our own, we are still connected to our parents and siblings. When we are born into the family of God, we are all connected by our One Love; and no matter where we roam on this earth, we never move completely away from the family of God because we can find other believers wherever we travel. Our parents insisted we “get along” with our siblings and work together as a family. The Lord expects us to do more than just keep a semblance of peace with our brothers and sisters in Christ. He instructs us to “outdo” each other in showing kindness to our Christian siblings. The Apostle Paul under the divine guidance of the Holy Spirt taught often about unity in the body (family) of Christ. Here, he is teaching us to be demonstrative in our love for one another. After all, as we have seen in earlier devotions, that is how non-believers will recognize us as Christians (John 13:35).

In many ways, our brothers and sisters in Christ can become even closer than our biological family members, especially if we came from a dysfunctional home. This week, brainstorm ways to “outdo” each other in showing love within the family of God. Kind words and deeds will strengthen our bonds with other believers.

Father, help us to work at outdoing each other in showing brotherly/sisterly love to our Christian family. Infuse us with a desire to be the best siblings possible. May we be a testimony of love and unity in a world filled with hate and discord.