G516 ἀξίως axíōs, ax-ee’-oce; adverb from G514; appropriately:—as becometh, after a godly sort, worthily(-thy).

G430 ἀνέχομαι anéchomai, an-ekh’-om-ahee; middle voice from G303 and G2192; to hold oneself up against, i.e. (figuratively) put up with:—bear with, endure, forbear, suffer.

G26 ἀγάπη agápē, ag-ah’-pay; from G25; love, i.e. affection or benevolence; specially (plural) a love-feast:—(feast of) charity(-ably), dear, love.

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible

“How long must I put up with Icky? She follows me everywhere and wants to dress like ‘twinsies’ all the time. Baby sisters are a pain.”

            I’m sure that’s how my sister felt about me when I was about five, and she was nearly eleven. I was a pest and a half. There was even more of an age difference between my older sister and me. I was still in elementary school when she was dating the man who would ultimately become her husband. I would find excuses to walk through the living room and spy on them when he came over. And to top it off, I was a “gifted” child who breezed through school and never had to study. I was a very annoying little sister. However, both sisters put up with me and endured my childish pranks. They loved me because I was a part of their family. The three of us are still very close.

            We are called to be members of God’s family. Part of living a life worthy of that awesome privilege is bearing with many brothers and sisters who have the potential to drive us nuts. We are to be humble, thinking of others more than ourselves. I’m reminded of a portion of the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, “Lord, grant that I might seek not so much to be consoled, as to console; to be understood, as to understand, not so much to be loved, as to love another.” Being one of God’s children is, first of all, about loving God and secondly about loving others (Mark 12:28-31). We are to hold our fellow believers dear even when we do not agree with them or they have habits that really bother us. If we ask God to help us obey the command He has given us to love each other, He will help us overlook our differences.

            Father, help us to be humble, gentle, patient, and kind with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Help us to put up with those who seem difficult to us. Help us to stand shoulder to shoulder with other believers that we may hold each other up. Lord, thank You for loving us even when we are the most unlovable. Help us to pass on to others the love we have been given.

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